How to Calculate the Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding The Motley Fool

how to compute shares outstanding

Outstanding shares consist of every share owned by institutional investors and retail investors and restricted shares held by insiders. A company’s “float” is a different measure that only considers the number of shares available for trading on the public market. As already stated, investors can find the number of outstanding shares on the investor relations section of the company’s website or on its balance sheet within the “Capital Stock” or “Shareholders’ Equity” section. The stock exchange the company trades on will also report the number of outstanding shares.

Add the Preferred and Common Stock, Then Subtract the Treasury Shares

Outstanding stocks are the shares that are actually already out on the market. The calculation for common stock outstanding can seem a little daunting at first simply because there’s so much accounting jargon used to define and calculate it. And now that you’re equipped with this foundation of knowledge, all you need to do to figure it out is to go look it up on any company’s balance sheet in their 10-Q or 10-K filing. Moreover, the number of shares outstanding is extremely useful when monitoring how a company conducts its business, as things like stock splits also affect share numbers.

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Using the SUMPRODUCT function, we’ll calculate the weighted average shares outstanding over fiscal year 2021, which comes out to 448,265. Suppose we’re tasked with calculating the weighted average shares outstanding of a public company for the fiscal year ending 2021. Thanks to the SEC, common stock outstanding is very easy to calculate All companies are required to report their common stock outstanding on their balance sheet. Do that by navigating to the company’s investor-relations webpage, find its financial reporting, and opening up its most recent 10-Q or 10-K filing.

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  1. The company hasn’t taken action yet; it’s just gotten approval to take action and sell some shares if it chooses too.
  2. Outstanding shares are the aggregate number of shares that a corporation has issued to investors.
  3. Get stock recommendations, portfolio guidance, and more from The Motley Fool’s premium services.
  4. These include a company’s market capitalization, such as market capitalization, earnings per share (EPS), and cash flow per share (CFPS).

For example, when shares outstanding are going up, the ownership stake of shareholders is diluted. And when shares are bought back, investors end up owning more of the company. Shares outstanding is a financial number that represents all the shares of a company’s stock that shareholders, including investors and employees, currently own. Floating stock is a narrower way of analyzing a company’s stock by shares. It excludes closely held shares, which are stock shares held by company insiders or controlling investors.

How to Use Outstanding Shares Information

how to compute shares outstanding

Conversely, they decrease if the company buys back some of its issued shares through a share repurchase program. Outstanding shares include all of a company’s shares held by shareholders as well as all the restricted shares owned by company insiders. However, the outstanding share count excludes treasury shares held by the company itself. A company’s outstanding shares may change over time because of several reasons.

Suppose a company issues 1000 shares and 200 shares are kept in the company’s treasury, determine the company’s shares outstanding. Overall, the number of shares outstanding, the metrics you can calculate from it, and related metrics — like the float — provide key insights to investors. Other companies may explicitly list their outstanding shares as a line item in the equity section of their balance sheet. The shares companies issue are known as authorized shares, which are the maximum number of shares they are lawfully permitted to make available to investors.

As we’ve already seen, the number of a company’s outstanding shares can vary over time, sometimes fluctuating a great deal. A company could issue new shares, buy back shares, retire existing shares, or even convert employee options into shares. Once you locate the line item for preferred stock, why would a company use lifo instead of fifo take note of the total number of preferred shares outstanding. The Weighted Average Shares Outstanding represents a company’s normalized, time-weighted common share count across a specified period of time. This “issued” stock can be less than the total authorized, but it can never be more.

Preferred stock’s subdivisions are usually based on the various purchase prices, protective provisions, and other rights granted to the preferred stockholders. The next step is to find the treasury stock line item on the company’s balance sheet. This refers to how many total shares the company has purchased back from investors. More specifically, treasury shares are the portion of shares that a company keeps in its treasury. If you want to understand how to make money trading stocks, it’s critical to understand the different kinds of shares that companies make available.

While shares outstanding account for company stock that includes restricted shares and blocks of institutional shares, floating stock specifically refers to shares that are available for trading. Floating stock is calculated by taking outstanding shares and subtracting restricted shares. Restricted stock are shares that are owned by company insiders, employees and key shareholders that are under temporary restriction, and therefore cannot be traded.

Calculating the number of outstanding shares a company has can help you to understand what proportion of a company’s stock is held by its shareholders. This, in turn, tells you which investors hold the largest numbers of shares, and therefore have the most influence at shareholder meetings. This number is also used to calculate several key financial metrics, so it’s important to understand how to calculate outstanding shares. Shares outstanding are the stock that is held by a company’s shareholders on the open market. Along with individual shareholders, this includes restricted shares that are held by a company’s officers and institutional investors. The weighted average shares outstanding represents the number of common shares outstanding, after adjusting for the share count changes that occurred throughout a given period.

This figure is important because it’s used to translate a company’s overall performance into per-share metrics, which can make an analysis much easier to do in terms of a stock’s market price at a given time. If there are 100 shares outstanding and you buy one, you own 1% of the company’s equity. The number of shares of common stock outstanding is a metric that tells us how many shares of a company are currently owned by investors. This can often be found in a company’s financial statements, but is not always readily available — rather, you may see terms like “issued shares” and “treasury shares” instead. Besides, it can be helpful to understand where the numbers you’re looking at came from. A stock split occurs when a company increases its shares outstanding without changing its market cap or value.

how to compute shares outstanding

An additional metric used alongside shares outstanding is a company’s “float,” which refers to the shares available for investors to buy and sell on the open market. For example, the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio calculates how much investors are paying for $1 of a company’s earnings by dividing the company’s share price by its EPS. Shares outstanding are the basis of several key financial metrics and can be useful for tracking a company’s operating performance. If others have invested in your company through a convertible promissory note or a SAFE, the shares attributable to those instruments are not considered issued until they are converted or exercised. Stock warrants, like stock options and SIP grants, fall under a similar category – they are not included in the calculation until exercised.

For example, let’s say you want to calculate the weighted average number of outstanding shares for a company over two reporting periods of 6 months each. In the first 6-month reporting period, the company has 100,000 shares outstanding. In the second 6-month period, the company’s number of shares outstanding is 150,000.

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